Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guess what?

A scene from the dinner table.

Everyone eating and chattering at the table.

Abby: Guess whaaat?

We all turn towards Abby.

Abby: Mommy, guess what?

Me: Hmmm?

Abby: Mommy, de udder night, guess what?

Me: What?

Abby: De udder night at Nanny and Pa's, guess what?

Me: Yeah?

Abby (with a huge smile): De udder night at Nanny and Pa's, I was yaying down in the yiving room...and guess what?

Me (chuckling): Whaaat?

Abby: Mommy, I was yaying down in the yiving room and...Missy...guess what?

Me (trying not to laugh): Hmmm?

Abby (beginning to giggle): Missy...yicked my hair!

Everyone else at the table bursts out laughing and we all say in guessed it..."Guess what?"

*Missy is Nanny and Pa's dog.

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